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Bonus Challenge

1. Can you tell us about yourself?

I am Varshini, I am an Engineer turned into a Designer. I started to learn about UX/UI Design at the end of my college semester and it sparked an instant interest in me to delve deep into it. I am a person of the strong belief that keeping things simple and usable is the utmost priority in designing. I am also a professional Badminton player and artist. I love doing creative activities as it opens up my mind and that freedom is what I strive to achieve in design.

2. What Made You Go Into UX Design?

I started by reading a lot of articles about UX and I realized it is about understanding human needs and empathizing with them. When I got to know the process, I started looking at everything from a user experience perspective. It is the learning curve that I have got in this field which keeps me going and this is not present in most other fields. This is something that involves psychology, human emotions, feelings, culture, and business strategy where there is always a scope to learn and improve yourself.

3. What’s Your Favorite Project You’ve Ever Worked on?

My favorite project I have worked is on Gmail Redesign and the Charity App for donations. Gmail Redesign was a bit challenging as I had to redesign a platform that is being used by everybody in the world and I think I tried to bring something new to the floor.
Charity App was just more than design to me, as it really connected to the people who are suffering without the essentials and how we could project those emotions to people who would be using the app.

4. What Are Some Websites and Apps Whose Design You Love? Why?

Dribbble - The simplicity of it and how easy it is to use.
Netflix - I absolutely love their UX, it always finds a way to keep the user engaged by suggesting more movies similar to our search and love their brand.
Uber - Uber stands out from the other cab booking apps as it is extremely usable and has a decent custom care support.

5. How Do You Define UX?

UX is in our everyday life, in whatever we do, there’s UX associated with it. It is really about making the process simple for a user to use and always to take their feedback and improvise on it. It reveals interesting insights and could make life very easier in this digital world.


To create stunning designs and to actually understand and user problems are what inspires me to create my designs. I simply look around me and wonder how the earth has designed everything so perfectly, there is a lot to learn from our environment.

7. Who are your design heroes?

Chris Do, Johny Vino, and Don Norman.

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