Get Started
Third animation in Adobe Xd

Here is the link of it

Note : Actively looking for internship opportunities.

#fiz #internships
second animation In adobe Xd
Animation - Refreshing the screen

For better experience use mobile phone

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

Day 7 Design Challenge

Designed an UI Landing page where you can connect with mentors for free also for paid and also you can view your mentors details ,experience and reviews.

Thanks to #Fizday providing me this wonderful opportunity this 7 days design challenge helped me to learn lots of stuffs where this is my first competition successfully completed.

Here is the link
Jnanender M: Special thanks to @antivirusakash bro helped me alot to complete this competition.
“The future depends on what you do today.”
Day 6 design challenge

Website -

Problem : The look and feel of the website is poor and there are differnt navigations which may confuse the user .

Solution : Look and feel of the website is changed and looks simple easy to understand and with better navigation.

Thanks for fizday providing this oppourtunity.

viewers kindly view the original website - then view my design of website.

Here is the link

#fiz #quarantine
The first step is you have to say that you can...
Day 5 Design Challenge

Problem : If a company provides services as well as academy (Conducting workshops or courses much more) its difficult to customer or student need to know what are the services or courses that comapany provides.

Solution :- Designed a chatbot which provides all the necessary details to the customer or student with few steps main goal is time saving ,easy to book appointments or block seat for courses and much more.

Here are the links

Light mode :

Dark Mode :

#fiz #quarantine
Either you run the day or the day runs you...
Day 4 Design Challenge
Designed Resume for multiple windows i.e, Applications,Windows,ipad
Thanks Fizday providing this opportunity to develop my skill

Here are the links
Website -

Application -

Ipad -
Keep looking up... that's the secret of life.
Day 3 Design Challenge
Feeling proud that designed my first portfolio thanks #Fizday providing me wonderful opportunity.

Here is the link of my Portfolio

#fiz #quarantine