Get Started
1. Can you tell us about yourself?

My name is Madhusudan Kacholiya. Born in Rajasthan and raised in Ahmedabad. I am a self taught UI/Ux designer. I learned designing in my final year of bca. i love to play Pool with my friends.

2. What Made You Go Into UX Design?

I started my work as a graphics designer. One day my friend asked me to design an app, that's how I started designing UI / UX.

3. What’s Your Favorite Project You’ve Ever Worked on?

My favorite project I've worked on is a brochure design for a metal company.

4. What Are Some Websites and Apps Whose Design You Love? Why?

All these websites are updated with all the new trends.

5. How Do You Define UX?

User experience design is the systems that offer a great experience to users.


User needs and my previous work inspires me to create a new design.

7. Who are your design heroes?

Every friend who inspires me for good design is my design hero.

#fiz #quarantine #interview
home page

Pain point :
1) it's look like an ancient website
2) There are many options in the menu bar and it is also not look good

1) Redesign home page
2) Removing additional items from the menu bar and add them into the drop down list

contact us page

pain point :
1) contact us form has so many mistakes

1) Redesign contact us form and contact page

#fiz #quarantine
I was busy with my work. That's why I post this. I made it at that time. when I was started learning Ui / Ux, It's great for me at the time but not now.
#fiz #quarantine #designchallenge #lightmode #darkmode