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Day 7 Design Challenge

I feel a bit sad that it's the last day of the challenge week. Looking forward to any feedback.

#fiz #quarantine
Akash Solanki: Me too 😞 but we will come back. It's new home for designers 🙂
Day 6 Design Challenge

I've redesigned home and contact pages of Community Boating in Boston, USA. My husband is a member of the community and always complains about the website. His feedback helped to create a new design and make the pages cleaner and easier to navigate

Current pages:


#fiz #quarantine
Day 5 Design Challenge

I've created a chat UI for Bentley university website

There is no chat functionality available there, but it might be helpful for students to quickly chat with a representative from the university

#fiz #quarantine.
Julia Taranik: a screenshot of light and dark modes is attached above
Day 4 Design Challenge

I have an assumption that I misunderstood the task of today's challenge after I saw other participants' work, but, nevertheless, I enjoyed doing it.

#fiz #quarantine
Sneha Renukamurthy: Yeah same with me as well
Julia Taranik: I think the task was a bit confusing
Day 3 Design Challenge

I took an existing home page of my portfolio and added required sections

Haris Silalahi: the problem of using free human illustration, many designer forgot to put eyes in their head.
Julia Taranik: Thanks for your feedback. I think such images are rather neutral and minimalistic, so I don't see an issue with lack of human details, but it will be nice to hear other opinions too
Amit Sharma: Julia Taranik, I feel the design looks cool and the design is simple and clean. Just keep designing.
Day 2 Design Challenge

I've really enjoyed today's challenge. I've come up with two versions of web design and a mobile one. #day2 #fiz #quarantine

The picture in the design was used from free resources of
Day 1 Design Challenge

I've created wireframes and animated them in InVision studio #fiz #quarantine